AFNOR is a Non Profit Association under the French law and a national member of the European recognized standardization organization CEN. CEN is an NPO in the form of a Non Profit Association under the Belgium law.
CEN's 30 National Members representing 30 countries working together to develop voluntary European Standards (ENs) and pre-standards in the form of CWA or Technical Specifications (TS).
These standards are distributed in 30 countries through CEN members.
AFNOR has developed and undertaken the responsibility of various CEN Workshops.
The organisation has experience in supporting R&D projects for pre-standardization actions. In the past, AFNOR contributed to the standardization as CWAs of results of FP6 projects such as OASIS FP6 which developed exchange format and dictionary for interoperability of Information System for Disaster and Emergency Management.
In the field of energy, AFNOR is responsible for the secretariat of several strategic international and European committees including secretariat of SFEM Sector Forum Energy Management