D5.2 Specification of the scheduling and negotiation framework

Deregulation of energy markets and environmental sustainability pose major challenges for modern energy systems. As increased efficiency and flexibility are sought at all levels, new services are needed to ensure reliable supply, utilize the renewable energy sources (RES), and balance the costs and benefits of the involved parties. Information and communication technology (ICT) plays a key role in pursuing these goals. In this context, the FP7 project MIRACLE (Micro-Request-Based Aggregation, Forecasting and Scheduling of Energy Demand, Supply and Distribution) is developing a conceptual and infrastructural approach allowing electricity distributors to balance supply and demand and increase the amounts of energy from RES.

The MIRACLE Work Package 5 (WP5) deals with scheduling and negotiation in the proposed approach. Based on the forecast of energy supply and demand, and given energy supply and demand offers with flexibilities (flex-offers), it will determine how energy production and consumption can be best matched in terms of time, energy amounts and prices. The goals of WP5 are to specify a framework to schedule production and consumption for a required period, specify a negotiation framework, implement and integrate the two frameworks, and validate them on real data from the project trial cases.

This deliverable is a result of WP5 activities in the period M7-M12 and provides an initial version of the scheduling and negotiation framework specification. It starts with an overview of the scheduling module as one of the MIRACLE core components aimed at scheduling flexible energy supply and demand in the form of flex-offers where the objective is to balance the costs and benefits of the involved parties at the increased utilization of RES. It then formulates the scheduling problem in terms of the goals, input data and output data. The proposed scheduling algorithm is then outlined and iteratively refined through a sequence of scheduling problem instances of increased complexity. Specification of the negotiation framework starts by stating the requirements and goals to be pursued by the MIRACLE negotiation protocol. It then analyzes the parameters to be considered in negotiation and describes the negotiation procedure between an energy producer and/or consumer (prosumer) and a balance responsible party (BRP) as foreseen at this stage.

Erik Dovgan, Tea Tušar, Bogdan Filipič, JSI; Alexandr Savinov, SAP