2010-06-30 17:12
This document presents a roadmap towards the standardisation of the MIRACLE specifications for the exchange of information around management of energy demand and supply. A long list of 15 potential standardisation organisations has been set-up and briefly described with respect to three criteria: type of standardisation organisation, its geographic scope and focus on energy management. From this list a short list of 4 different standardisation organisations has been selected. These are CEN/CENELEC, IEC, IEEE and the combination of ebIX and ENTSO-E. For these organisations, an additional four criteria have been described, namely openness of organisation, complexity of procedures, impact on the energy sector and potential success of standardisation of the MIRACLE specifications.
Based on this set of seven criteria in total, CEN/CENELEC has been selected as the target standardisation organisation. The MIRACLE project will strive to get a so-called CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) as the standardisation product at the end of the project. The roadmap towards this CWA is worked-out in more detail and the coordination with CEN/CENELEC during the project is described. Thereby, the CWA process is aligned with the original planning of the WP7 deliverables of MIRACLE. The resulting CWA can be used after the lifetime of the MIRACLE project as a basis for further standardisation towards a European Norm (EN), which is the highest level of formal standardisation to be achieved within Europe.
The main conclusion and advice is that the MIRACLE project should adhere to the
roadmap sketched in this document and try to align the WP7 activities during M18 and
M36 with a CWA process at CEN/CENELEC. [read more]
Jack P.C. Verhoosel, Roel E. Stap, TNO
Based on this set of seven criteria in total, CEN/CENELEC has been selected as the target standardisation organisation. The MIRACLE project will strive to get a so-called CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) as the standardisation product at the end of the project. The roadmap towards this CWA is worked-out in more detail and the coordination with CEN/CENELEC during the project is described. Thereby, the CWA process is aligned with the original planning of the WP7 deliverables of MIRACLE. The resulting CWA can be used after the lifetime of the MIRACLE project as a basis for further standardisation towards a European Norm (EN), which is the highest level of formal standardisation to be achieved within Europe.
The main conclusion and advice is that the MIRACLE project should adhere to the
roadmap sketched in this document and try to align the WP7 activities during M18 and
M36 with a CWA process at CEN/CENELEC. [read more]